For Love of Writing (FLOW)
The COVID-19 pandemic sprang from an abyss whose depths we as writers and performers could not have predicted. All at once, much of what we do as "literary agents hosting readings, workshops, and launches" came to a halt. Suddenly, in-person, reach out and touch events were replaced by Zoom, Crowdcast, and other remote tools for connecting writers and performers with their audiences. FLOW's purpose to lift the writing community by connecting writers with resources and hosting events to publicize the community of African American writers and performers and others has not changed. The manner in which we interact most certainly has as we promote public health guidelines for keeping ourselves and our audience safe.
For Love of Writing (FLOW)
…is a group of African American female writers. The group’s vision, then, is simply to help writers navigate the choppy waters that separate the shores of manuscript completion and the marketplace. Our vision is to offer a myriad of assistance, opportunities, and resources to ensure more diverse voices be heard in various platforms--- the page, the stage, the microphone, the Internet, or the screen.
Writers are passionate people with equally passionate voices; we are people who want to tell and share truths in a variety of ways. Unfortunately, the marketplace can sometimes be a closed door for writers whose ideas do not fit neatly into templates or popular trends.
FLOW’s mission is to support the efforts of writers and to help them effectively transition from one stage of the writing or publishing process to the next. We do this via a variety of resources and opportunities which include: manuscript critiques, editorial guidance, referrals, writing retreats, conferences, seminars, and marketplace resources. Our goal is to synergize the efforts of serious writers, whose diverse voices need to be heard and shared in all their diversity, honesty and beauty. FLOW offers two membership types: Core and Associate.
CORE is the operating arm/board of directors. As much as Core members receive all of the aforementioned amenities; they are also responsible for planning craft and professional development outreach for Associate members and other writers. Core members meet ten months out of the year and are the driving force behind all programming, fundraising, marketing, and social media.
The ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP is equally as important to FLOW’s overall mission as the Core group.
In 2012, FLOW 2 was reinitiated with a broader mission by Tina Jenkins Bell, Lucille Usher Freeman, Sandra Jackson Opoku, Chirskira Cailouet, and Janice Tuck Lively. Prior to the rebirth of FLOW 2, FLOW was primarily a writer’s workshop group through which member ocnvened monthly to share work, create and hone their craft via writer’s prompts and activities and support and promote members’ published work. FLOW 2 offers these same activites in addition to retreats, write-ins, social media presence and assistance, and other amenities. Additionally, FLOW 2 offers free and affordable craft and professional workshops, an Assoicate Membership option, and more.
In the future, FLOW hopes to offer programming and mentoring programs for youth, and annual anthology of diverse voices, and a writer’s conference with opportunities to pitch editiors and agents. Our goal is to offer quality, free and affordable writer’s workshops and seminars in Chicago’s literary desserts. Our service area ia primarily Chicago’s south side. We hope to offer programming on Chicago’s west side in the near future.